Friday, May 22, 2020
The 9 Layers Of Hell Essay - 1682 Words
Dante Alighieri was a major Italian poet born in 1265 A.D know most famously for his Epic poem, the Devine Comedy. The Devine Comedy is a narration of Danteââ¬â¢s journey through Hell, purgatory and finally Heaven. Dante utilizes the notion of hell to encourage, admonish and warn his readers of the contrapasso of their sins, the different layers of hell, and famous leaders of his time. This essay is an exposition, interpretation and critical analysis of the 9 layers of Hell depicted in Danteââ¬â¢s epic, the Inferno. To begin Danteââ¬â¢s trip to heaven to be with his one true love Beatrice, he must first travel through hell. Directly through the gates of hell is the outlying regions of Hell, or Ante-inferno. This is the area that houses those who did not commit to good or evil, but who lived their lives without making conscious moral choices. These souls have been denied by both heaven and hell. This does not mean Ante-inferno is much more pleasant than hell. Souls here must constantly chase after blank banners while flies and wasps constantly bite them and worms consume their blood and tears. Neutral angels do the tormenting in this place. These are the angels that did not choose God nor Satan in the war of heaven. This first punishment we see in our journey through hell sets the stage for punishments that fit the crime. We see souls having to chase a blank banner symbolizing the meaninglessness of their time on earth. In the afterlife wasps and flies are present to stingShow MoreRela tedEssay on Fear in Cellar Stairs1021 Words à |à 5 PagesFear in Cellar Stairsà à à à à à à Poetry is about emotion -- not only the emotion displayed in the many layers à of a poems language, but also the emotional layers created in the reader. à Some poetry can be light and happy, other poetry can be ecstatic and ethereal; à à and at the opposite extreme, poetry can be dark and downright threatening. Such à à à a poem is Cellar Stairs by the contemporary poet Thomas Lux. à à à à à à à à à à à Its rickety down to the dark, states theRead MoreEvaluation Of Workshops And Dante Inferno1624 Words à |à 7 Pagesaway from him by Lucifer or Satan.Dante then met Virgil a famous poet born before Christ therefore he was stuck in limbo which is not hell or heaven. Dante and Virgil entered the wide gates of Hell and descended through the nine circles.. In each circle they saw sinners being punished for their sins on earth. We also explored William Blakeââ¬â¢s poem the Proverbs of Hell including quotes in our narration using it to present the Seven Deadly Sins with accuracy. For our first workshop we explored andRead MoreDeath in What Dreams May Come and Dantes Inferno Essay1086 Words à |à 5 PagesDreams May Come and Dantes Inferno Death and what comes after has always been a subject of great interest and uncertainty. Many have tried to depict their own vision of the afterlife, be it heaven or hell, paradiso or inferno. Here, I will discuss the similarities and differences in the hell represented in the movie What Dreams May Come and the Inferno of Dante Alighieris Divine Comedy. What Dreams May Come is a movie about two soul mates, Chris (Robin Williams) and Annie (Anabella Sciorra)Read MoreDeath : A Life Force955 Words à |à 4 Pagesrituals to the dead so the Ka could be free to unite with the ba to make spirit akh that transitioned to a new life with the gods. The unification was of dire importance as it prevented the deceased from dying again, a death in which there is no return (9 Roba, 13, 1999).Christians believe in the soul, the immortal entity placed into our body at birth and leaves at death. It required no fancy rituals to enter nor leave the body. This concept ties back to the monotheism and polytheism where there couldRead MoreAnalysis Of The Garden Of Earthly Delights1407 Words à |à 6 Pagespainted from 1500 to 1502. ââ¬Å"The Haywainâ⬠which was a three panel painting. In the first panel, Bosch illustrates Adam and Eve. In the center panel, Bosch paints clergy and peasants preforming sinful behavior. Finally, in the last panel Bosch paints hell. The second example is ââ¬Å"The Last Judgementâ⬠(as shown in figure 4) which he painted in the year of 1504. The center panel shows the fall of humanity. The remaining two interior panels show sin, chaos and violence. The final example that we can useRead MoreReligious Beliefs on the After-Life Essay965 Words à |à 4 Pages Karma will decide what the soul is born as; the soul can take birth in a lower life of an insect or a higher life of humans (Thillainathan, 2009). It is interesting to note that, even in Hinduism Heaven and Hell exists. The soul will either enjoy the riches of heaven of suffer in hell until the results of its Karma are satisfied (Gnanasambandan. 1998). The soul will later on be sent back to Earth to get another chance for a complete freedom. This complete freedom is called Moksha, where theRead More The Downside to Land Use and Urban Development Essay1535 Words à |à 7 Pages27-28). This gas floats up toward the sun into the stratosph ere, and breaks apart (due to the suns radiation).à The Carbon and the Fluoride dont do much but the Chlorine literally eats away at the Ozone layer like an acid.à Why is that bad?à Might you ask, well it is harmful because the Ozone Layer protects everything on Earth from Ultra Violet Radiation.à This in turn makes the Earth hotter.à To make the Earth even hotter add to this Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a pollutant produced by combustion enginesRead MorePhilosophical Strain in the Works of Joseph Addison1553 Words à |à 7 Pagesexamining two of his works: Reflections in Westminster Abbey and The Vision of Mirza. In the former, the main theme seems to be that of death and Addison deliberates freely upon his ideas and reflections regarding the same. In the latter, we find many layers of philosophical meaning and allegory embedded within the work which is basically a translation of a Persian manuscript which philosophizes upon the very purpose of human existence. In Reflections in Westminster Abbey, Addison talks about hisRead MoreDinosaurs : What Are Dinosaurs?1619 Words à |à 7 Pages(BBC, 2017). Triceratops The Triceratops was one of the last herbivores that was found in North America. The first bones of a Triceratopsà were discovered in 1887 by Othniel C. Marsh in Denver which was a set of horns and skull (Castro, J. 2016). Hell Creek Formation is a division of rocks in North America, that includes eastern Montana and portions of North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming, where over 200 bones were discovered and more than 50 Triceratops found. While no complete skeleton has beenRead MoreAnalysis Of John Hughes s The Tale Of Asylum 1519 Words à |à 7 Pagesavant-garde novels that bend reality and fiction. It contains powerful connections between asylum seekers and the notion of purgatory, waiting for their claim to be processed and discover whether they will, as the blurb implies, be destined for ââ¬ËParadise or Hellââ¬â¢ (Hughes 2012). The tale also has strong links to the canticle ââ¬ËPurgartorioââ¬â¢ from Dante Alligheriââ¬â¢s The Divine Comedy as well as classical religious iconography and Greek mythology. Michael Ryan (1999, 133) links Kafkaââ¬â¢s Metamorphosis to ââ¬ËSamsaraââ¬â¢
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Outrageous Autobiography Essay Samples College Tips
Outrageous Autobiography Essay Samples College Tips School is essential to me because without school it would be difficult to earn a living. If you wish to get into a great college and locate a great job, you will need to say that you're worth it and will cope with this. Upcoming college students might also be requested to compose a college essay for a portion of their first requirements. Fully being a happy high school student wouldn't be possible without my loved ones. Whatever the case, it's something you're sharing to present some personal qualities or make an intriguing outcome. To the contrary, success is all about recognizing your weaknesses and accepting support from those who genuinely need to aid you. Thus, when you plan your autobiography, make certain to concentrate on events that had significant influence on your life and totally ignore the tidbits. There is a plethora of experiences to select from. Although autobiographical essays may be an abbreviated overview of a whole life, they normally concentrate on a specific accomplishment or experience. Make it your wish to include anecdotes on your first successes and failures. Without strong internal motivation, it is virtually impossible to turn into successful. It's possible to write about your accomplishments but in addition, you need to compose the flaws that have made you exactly what you are. The Key to Successful Autobiography Essay Samples College It might be hard to choose what precisely to speak about as the essay ought to be based on some impressions one wants to tell about as a result of some certain reason. Then, the essay ought to have a few body paragraphs or chapters. Our essay is going to be a superior introduction to the scientific writings you'll be assigned during your academic decades. To put it differently, it's possible to say that it's an essay about yourself. Your college essay should contain information that are related to the instruction provided to you. Writing an MBA essay is a challenging task because you have to cover many things and you will need to make certain that you compose the very best. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might need to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you may have more idea on what things to put in the college essay which you will create. Your scholarship essay is a rather important portion of your application. The primary goal of essay writing services is to assist you with issue and support as you write your paper. The introduction the introduction appears to have too little focus. These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. In this instance, attempt to hit the minimal words required and make certain that the essay which you will write is packed with relevant info and beneficial information. Things You Should Know About Aut obiography Essay Samples College The 90s were an excellent time for technical individuals. Although everyone truly has a story to tell, not everybody would look at going out of their way to really let the world know their story. Autobiography Essay Samples College There's a writing craft or a technique that is able to make your story come to life. In the event the story was non-chronological, be certain that by the conclusion of an autobiographical essay all of it comes together as one comprehensive piece. It is crucial to keep in mind that you don't have to inform your story chronologically. Everything in your story needs to be accurate. Even if you believe you don't have a lot to put in your memoir, you are able to still make it quite intriguing. You may as well start right with the story rather than putting a very long autobiography introduction. You've successfully finished writing your autobiography speaking about your life. The manner of your autobiography must be neutral. If you are searching for sample autobiography essay, you will most likely discover a lot of them in Internet. Interesting lives result in good autobiographies. Your autobiography must be logical, and facts about your life needs to be presented in a chronological order. Writing an autobiography for each man is a distinctly individual experience but there are a few topics that are crucial to cover. The narrative section of an autobiography essay is crucial and ought to be judiciously taken care of! Even though it might be considered tough, writing an autobiography essay is intriguing and rewarding not only for presentation except to discover you in a new light. Use I as it's your autobiography. In addition, the autobiography ought to be written in first person. The Birth of Autobiography Essay Samples College Autobiographical essay writing can on occasion be an intimidating job, especially if the writer does not have any prior expertise within this sort of academic writing. Your essay has to be simple to understand that's the reason it's much better to avoid long complicated sentences and phrases. Nearly all writers seek the expert services of copy editors. Guidelines to writing the autobiographical story include a crystal clear and concise approach to a certain part of your life.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Safety in the Manufacturing Industry Free Essays
Safety is the state of being free from harm or danger of any kind. Safety is usually achieved through careful planning and the removal of all vulnerable sources of danger or any other that are prone to arise. The first step in the management of any environment to ensure that safety is achieved involves the identification of the potential sources of danger. We will write a custom essay sample on Safety in the Manufacturing Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now An array of all the panic triggers is usually made and each is tackled single-handedly. Failure to identify all the potential sources of danger may cause a lot of unforeseen harm (Stellman, 1998). In any workplace, there lie very many potential causes of harm and injury. The repercussions are likely to be very serious given that many places of work usually have hordes of people going about their business and most of the times many are oblivious of any form of lurking danger. In case of any accident that may occur, the number of casualties in many places of work is likely to be very high. The effects of such accidents can however mitigated by the careful consideration of all factors by the planners and the devising of ways to deal with the accidents prior to their occurrence. Many of the hazards that may occur in most working places and cause loss of lives and damage of property includes fire, floods, chemical explosions, release of poisonous gases and the risk of being shred by machines and being cut by very sharp objects (Moi, 1993). Manufacturing Industries: Manufacturing industries are the type of industries that are involved with the production of goods for the end user markets. Such industries produce these goods in large masses; mass production, and the raw materials are brought to these industries in bulk. A lot of machines and are used in various processes within these industries and a lot of manpower is also incorporated in order to increase the production by these industries. All the processes, right from the offloading of the raw materials to the packing of the finished products involve a lot of manpower and machines and many accidents that jeopardize the workersââ¬â¢ safety are likely to happen in any of these stages. Different manufacturing industries usually have different strategies of ensuring their employeesââ¬â¢ safety and reducing the occurrence of accidents. Safety in the manufacturing industries: It is mandatory for all industries to ensure that their employees are safe and are free from any kind of harm in the course of duty at these industries. There exists a set of laws that govern how al industries ensure the safety of their employees while at work in the industries. The employees are also obligated to follow the policies, procedures and the directives that are set out in these laws, to the letter. They are also expected to be on protective gear provided by the industry at all times. They are expected to adhere to all the safety rules that are laid out by their employers. The employers are on the other hand expected to give directives to their employees that would be implemented in case of any tragedy and even put signs at strategic places within these industries. The signs must be brief and clear to the employees in order to avoid any confusion whenever there is an accident of any kind (Poltev, 1986). The Passing of the Safety Act: It is estimated that about six thousand workers in the USA die every year due to workplace injuries, another fifty thousand workers die because of exposure to workplace hazards and millions of others die because of non-fatal injuries sustained at their workplaces. This was estimated to be depriving American businesses about one hundred and twenty five billion dollars per year. The government is in all ways trying to curb the occurrence of such by ensuring the safety of every employee at his or her place of work. Safety at the workplace goes a long way to see the cultivation of a good and better job culture at the place of work. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), was passed by the congress in 1970. This act was passed in order to ensure that each and every worker in the nation of USA was working under conditions that are safe physically and even health wise. Some states, however, have enacted their own laws to protect the workers from any physical or health risks at their places of work though they also do ensure that these laws are as effective as those set in the federal law. The OSHA covers all employees except those who are self-employed and public employees in the state and local government. Responsibilities of the manufacturing industries (employer): According to the OSHA website ââ¬â www. osha. gov, the Occupational Safety and Health Act stipulates that: The manufacturing industry should provide its employees with well-maintained tools and equipment. This serves to ensure that the probability of the occurrence of an accident due to the ineffectiveness of the equipment. The industry officials should ensure that faulty equipment is replaced or repaired immediately to avoid any casualties of any kind resulting from any accident. The industry should also offer the employees with appropriate protective equipment and clothing in order to protect these workers from bodily harm from the various things that they handle within a day. This facilitates the reduction of the occurrence of accidents and the effects of any hazardous substances that the employee may come in contact with. The manufacturing industries must also take their employees for medical examinations prior to and after any activity that may be involving any hazardous substances (Rabinowitz, 2002). In case of any signs of infection, the treatment and medication should be administered on the patient immediately in order to lower the chances of the employee becoming severely affected. The employees should also be granted access to their medical and exposure records. Such records should always be at their disposal so that they can be always updated about their health status and take any personal measures necessary. The industries must provide training to their employees prior to handling any equipment that may be hazardous. The training should be done as per the standards set by the OSHA. This serves to ensure that the employees are well acquainted with the type of equipment that they use for any particular task that the employer bestows upon them. This kind of training also ensures that there is a reduction in the number of accidents that occur in these industries. The standardized training also ensures that there is uniformity in the way accidents are dealt with and this avoids confusion in case of such accidents occurring abruptly. Accidents should be reported to OSHA within the first eight hours of their occurrence. Those accidents that cause lots of casualties should also be reported within this period. Accidents that leave more than three people hospitalized should also be reported to OSHA within this same period. This facilitates the investigation and evaluation into the cause of the accident and the necessary measures are taken in order to reduce such accidents in future and thus increase safety in the workplace. The employer is also obligated with the duty of posting the OSHA poster (OSHA 3165), which informs the employees of their rights and responsibilities. No discrimination is allowed upon an employee who goes forward to address some grievances to OSHA regarding the workplace. The industries are also obligated to keep records of work-related accidents, injuries, illnesses and their causes. They should also post OSHA citations and abatement verification notices to a worksite. They should also abate cited violations within the set prescribed period. The Responsibilities of the Employee: The employee should review the employer provided OSHA standards, regulations and requirements in order to be well conversant with them and follow them accordingly and report any flaws in order to avoid accidents and other mishaps. The employee should also request for information from the employer regarding emergency procedures so as to avoid confusion at the time of tragedy. The employee should observe each and every directive accordingly (Harms-Ringdahl, 2001). The employee should try and grasp the safety and health training provided by the employer as per OSHA standards. Such training should be administered in cases where some toxic substances are involved. All other procedures set for emergencies should also be carefully studied. If carefully observed and followed to the letter, these rules and regulations can spare many lives and save lots of others in the manufacturing industries (Taylor and Hegney, 2004). How to cite Safety in the Manufacturing Industry, Papers
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